21th-Anniversary Videolab Solutions
vhs to digital service

Effective Guidelines to Convert VHS to Digital Form

Effective Guidelines to Convert VHS to Digital Form


People want to make video recordings of their celebration moments, to preserve those precious memories forever. Earlier, VHS tapes were the only way of making videos. And as per the old analog system of audio-video recordings. However, the digitalization of the entertainment system has resulted in stopping the manufacture of all VHS tapes. And cassette players. Thus, people need to know how to convert VHS to digital form. So that they can convert all their important video recordings to the digital mode.

Only a VCR or video cassette recorder, a computer with a USB port. And a video converting device is needed to convert any video from analog to digital format. The VCR need not be attached to a TV. As the video content of the tape can be seen on the computer screen. The VCR and the video converter are available on online shopping sites at reasonable prices.


Connect the VCR to the computer:

The VCR should be connected to the video converter, by matching all the colored plugs to the appropriate colored outputs. The CD of this video converting software should be inserted into the computer directly or with the help of an external DVD writer.


Start recording on the computer: 

When the software is installed on the computer, the user should choose the digital format in which the converted video should be stored. Usually, MPEG4 is the preferred video format, which should be selected before the recording starts. The folder where the saved file should be stored also needs to be specified at this stage.


Convert the video on the computer:

The software of the video converter will automatically convert a video from analog to digital form. The converted video can be stored on Google Drive or an external storage device.


Videolab Solutions, based in Miami, can convert VHS to digital mode to preserve all the home movies of clients. We transform all videos stored in Betamax or 8mm tapes to DVDs since 1999 in entire South Florida.

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